Flowering calendar

Column "Flowering Calendar"

Niedzwetzky's apple blooms in the zoo.

This plant is named after the naturalist Vladislav Niedzwiecki, who found specimens of apple tree in the mountain forests of the Tien Shan. The apple tree blooms with abundant purple or bright pink flowers. French gardeners believe that this apple tree has no equal in beauty in gardening in Europe.

You can see Niedzwetzky's apple blossoming near the elephant enclosure.

Besides, in Mykolaiv Zoo now blossom: Chinese quince, flowering plum, apple trees and pear trees. Sakura (right of the central alley, on the slope of the "Island of wild beasts") delights with its magnificent terry blossoms. We also suggest looking at the flowers of hybrid magnolia Betty, which we received as a gift.

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