Column At the classes of the group of young biologists

The zoo's young biologists paid attention to such an important and interesting international environmental event as the Great Winter Bird Count.

The tradition of the Great Winter Bird Count has been popular since 1900, when American ornithologists proposed to replace the traditional winter hunter competitions (by the number of birds killed) with competitions by nature lovers (by the number of birds seen in a certain period of time). Such observations of birds very quickly gained popularity all over the world, not only professional biologists, but also all lovers of the world of birds of any profession and age were involved in them.

In Ukraine, unfortunately, so far such competitions are held among a relatively narrow circle of nature lovers. And for nothing! After all, birdwatching is a gambling, useful and interesting activity. It guarantees healthy leisure time in the fresh air, new knowledge and new acquaintances, and is excellent psychotherapy for absolutely everyone.

During the lesson, young biologists learned about the birds that can be seen here in winter. We invite you to join the Great Winter Bird Count, since many birds can be observed just in our park.