"Let's save the primroses!" campaign

Every year in the spring, especially on the eve of the March 8 holiday, vendors appear on our streets and markets selling bouquets of snowdrops, squills, Gymnospermium odessanum and other wild primroses. A little later, these same enterprising citizens sell the planting material (bulbs, rhizomes) of wild yellow irises, adonis, and Tulipa hypanica, which they dug up in nature. How can you not buy a beautiful, inexpensive bouquet or rhizomes, flower bulbs, which are also quite cheap?

Maybe not everyone knows about it, but almost all beautiful primroses that grow in the wild are listed in the Red Book, and their destruction (uprooting, and even more so digging up with the root) is punishable by law. These flowers grow in areas free of human economic activity, and there are fewer and fewer of them every year. Such protected areas especially suffer now, during the war, when many once charming peaceful corners are disfigured by explosions and fires. Therefore, each flower is priceless, and hundreds of them are destroyed for sale. Each of us can prevent the destruction of extremely rare plants. To do this, it is enough to never buy wild primroses from dubious traders, because demand will generate supply.

Remember that by buying bouquets of primroses from the wild, and especially planting material, you become complicit in the crime!

Leave wild flowers in nature, and specially grown plants purchased in specialized stores can decorate your holiday!