Day of the Siberian tiger and Amur leopard

On the last Sunday of September, the Day of the Siberian tiger and Amur leopard is celebrated on the initiative of international environmental organizations. The purpose of this day is to tell people, from toddlers to influential officials, that tigers and leopards are not only a threat to livestock and even humans, not only a way to get rich quick from poaching, but also extremely beautiful animals and an important part of the ecosystem. Of course, this ecological holiday is most widely celebrated in the Primorsky Krai, where, in fact, these animals live. After all, the population of this region will determine whether our descendants will see these animals alive, and not in the form of skins or stuffed animals in the museum. But we consider that Mykolaiv Zoo also has the right to celebrate the Day of the Siberian tiger and Amur leopard, after all they not only kept by us, but also successfully breed. And it is no secret that the preservation of the species largely depends on the reproduction of rare animals in zoos.