Mykolaiv Zoo's birthday

Today, April 26, 2024, Mykolaiv Zoo turns 123 years old!

April 26, 1901 is considered the official foundation date of Mykolaiv Zoo. It was on this day that the founder of the zoo, Mykola Pavlovych Leontovych, decided to open his collection to everyone who wants to see it...

Since then, 123 years of history have passed: successes, victories, difficulties and tragedies. Five generations of specialists have given and are giving their knowledge, strength and work. Hundreds of thousands of animals passed through the zoo's collection.

Today, Mykolaiv Zoo is one of the oldest zoos in Ukraine. It has the largest collection of wild animals among the zoos of Ukraine. It has about 421 species and 3171 individuals.

Our Mykolaiv Zoo is one of the objects of the Nature Reserve Fund of Ukraine, it keeps and breeds wild animals, especially endangered and rare ones, listed in the Red Book of Ukraine and international Red Lists. It is important to understand that this kind of activity is important at the state level and contributes its share to the preservation of nature in Ukraine.

Despite the difficult times that our country is experiencing today, Mykolaiv Zoo is actively working and receiving visitors.

And as a reward for this, every day we hear pleasant and inspiring comments from our visitors:

- "You give our children their childhood back!"

- "Mykolaiv Zoo is a great opportunity for children to communicate with nature, as the nature around the city can be dangerous"

- "Thank you that, even in such a difficult time, you do everything to help children not just take a walk, but dive right into the world of zoo animals, and in such a fun way!"

Happy Birthday to our wonderful zoo! We wish all of us health and prosperity under a peaceful Ukrainian sky!