Meet the new message of our column “School of the Young Zoo Correspondent”! The articles of this column are written by our young biologists, and the photographs are also taken by them, so don’t judge too harshly, because the youngest authors are only 10-12 years old! The young correspondents visited the territory of the “Grandfather’s Hut” and prepared a message about the addition of animals to the courtyard.
“Announcement of a joyful event – a real goat and sheep “baby boom” in Mykolaiv Zoo! At the “Grandfather’s Hut” in late February – early March, an addition appeared: four kids and three lambs were born! Goat Asya gave a male and a female goat, goat Kvitka as well. Proud daddy Bantyk congratulates his kids!
The four-horned Jacob sheep also have a replenishment! First sheep Nika gave birth to two female lambs, and the second, named Vika, gave birth to a male lamb, which was named Surprise, because it was born unexpectedly, much earlier than the expected date. The newborns’ father is called Blynchyk, we named him that because he was born on Pancake Week.
Pregnant females Vesna and Vira are still preparing to become mothers.
All the newborns feel good, their mothers take care of them. Now the younglings are in a warm room with their mothers, but soon, when it gets warmer and they grow up a little, they will be seen in the courtyard of the “Grandfather’s Hut”.
We are happy to share this news!
(The text of the message was prepared by the young naturalists Chumak Alisa, Ovsyanov Artem and Kovalenko Oleg. Photo by the authors)