
Couples in love at Mykolayiv Zoo
— Couples in love at Mykolayiv Zoo Mykolaiv Zoo is home to animal couples who have been together for many years, who treat each other with affection and tenderness, many of them have children. Do you want to know the names of our “animals in love” and their romantic stories? Then we invite you to a thematic… 14/02/2025
Help from a Swedish volunteer
— Help from a Swedish volunteer Today, Mykolaiv Zoo received help from Swedish volunteer Martin Johansson, who has been helping our region since the beginning of the full-scale war. Martin helps animals, the zoo, and animal shelters, because he loves animals very much (a small volunteer, the dog Doris, arrived with him in Ukraine). Martin also… 11/02/2025
Symbol of 2025 - green wooden snake
— Symbol of 2025 - green wooden snake January 29, 2025 begins the new year according to the eastern calendar. The symbol of 2025 is a green wooden snake. According to the beliefs of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, this will be a period of changes, new opportunities, because the snake is a symbol of flexibility, wisdom,… 29/01/2025
World Environmental Education Day
— World Environmental Education Day January 26 is World Environmental Education Day. This is another day in the "ecological calendar", which emphasizes the importance of educating children and young people in the principles of respect for the surrounding nature and the need to spread environmental knowledge. The main goal of this holiday is to popularize… 28/01/2025
90th anniversary of the sculptor Yuri Makushyn
— 90th anniversary of the sculptor Yuri Makushyn On January 24, the People's Artist of Ukraine, sculptor, associate professor, professor and teacher Yuri Makushyn celebrates his 90th birthday. The talented sculptor Yuri Makushyn is the author of most of the monuments and memorial plaques in Mykolaiv and the Mykolaiv region. The master's entire family (wife Inna and son… 25/01/2025
Day of Unification of Ukraine
— Day of Unification of Ukraine Every year on January 22, Ukraine celebrates Unification Day. On January 22, 1919, on Sophia Square in Kyiv, in a solemn atmosphere, the Act of Union of the Ukrainian People's Republic and the Western Ukrainian People's Republic into a single independent state was proclaimed. This day became a symbol of… 22/01/2025
The journey of two pairs of Gambian giant pouched rats
— The journey of two pairs of Gambian giant pouched rats Today, the long journey of two pairs of Gambian giant pouched rats from Prague Zoo to Mykolaiv Zoo has successfully ended. This is a completely new species in the zoos of Ukraine. Gambian giant pouched rats are a gift from our zoo's sister zoo – Prague Zoo. Many thanks to… 08/01/2025
A series of interactive educational lectures
— A series of interactive educational lectures "Year of the Snake" Our series of interactive educational lectures "Year of the Snake" has come to an end. It is very pleasing that each time more and more visitors came to get acquainted with the wonderful creatures of nature. During our lectures, we tried to explain that snakes are not at all ugly,… 07/01/2025
Christmas entertainment
— Christmas entertainment Today, Mykolaiv Zoo and the Mykolaiv Professional College of Culture and Arts have prepared for our guests the best concert program and the best nativity scene in the city. This concert program is a mix of traditional New Year's holidays. Young actors from the college introduced visitors to the zoo… 04/01/2025
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