Presentation of the award

Today, our team has two more laureates of the highest award of Mykolaiv Zoo – the Order named after Mykola Leontovych! They are the head of the department of ornithology Serhiy Mykolayovych Donovy and animal care worker of the department of ungulates and proboscideans Svitlana Pavlivna Mogilevyts.

Serhiy Mykolayovych Donovy has been working at the zoo since 1998. He deals with issues related to the organization of the exposition of rare species of birds, their breeding, and improvement of the qualitative composition of the animal collection of the department. Under the leadership of Serhiy Mykolayovych, the offspring of the Steller's sea eagle, the southern ground hornbill, the great white pelican and other rare species were obtained.

Svitlana Pavlivna Mogilevyts has worked at the zoo for more than 30 years. During this time, she learned all the intricacies and peculiarities of the department's work, repeatedly participated in the artificial breeding of young animals, and trained a large number of new workers.

Serhiy Mykolayovych Donovy and Svitlana Pavlivna Mogilevyts are professionals in their field, they have done a lot for the development of Mykolaiv Zoo and for the preservation of the world of animals. We congratulate the laureates with the honorary award and wish them many fruitful years of work and success!