Classes of young biologists

Recently, the Association of Zoos of Ukraine – AZU held an extremely interesting seminar dedicated to the development of projects of animal enclosures, during which employees of various zoos of Ukraine who took part in it had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the requirements for modern enclosure projects and perform an exercise with development of own project. Young biologists of Mykolaiv Zoo were interested in this topic and also conducted a class devoted to the development of enclosure projects. But on the eve of Christmas, in a mystical magical time, the children decided to dream and developed projects of enclosures for animals that they would like to see in Mykolaiv Zoo: penguins, rhinoceroses, fur seals, capybaras and even pandas! The young naturalists got acquainted with the requirements for the projects, because the enclosure they are designing must be comfortable for the animals and employees of the zoo, as well as interesting for visitors. The young researchers planned how the enclosures for the chosen animal should look, developed a project for a nearby recreation area, a playground and a cafe for visitors, a project for green areas, etc. And then the young biologists defended their works. Perhaps some young naturalists will choose the development of enclosure projects as the topic of their scientific work. And maybe one day they will design the zoo of the future!