Earth Day

Earth Day is the name used for various events that are held in the spring with the aim of encouraging people to be more attentive to the fragile and vulnerable environment of the planet Earth. Also, "Earth Day" is a civil initiative, open to the joining of any people, groups and organizations.

It is known from history that in 1969 there was an oil spill in California and several millions of liquids ended up in the ocean. As a result, a huge number of representatives of marine fauna died, and the disaster itself had a significant impact on the US economy. A year later, on April 22, 1970, public activists called on Americans to take part in environmental action to protect the environment.

In 1970, on April 22 in the USA, Earth Day was celebrated at the national level, more than 20 million people took part in the action. One of its initiators at that time was the environmental activist Gaylord Nelson. Since 1990, Earth Day has gained international status.

Mykolaiv Zoo has held a large-scale celebration dedicated to Earth Day for dozens of years in a row. Now, because of the war, mass holidays are not held in our country. But not only today, but also every day, we conduct a variety of environmental awareness campaigns that tell our visitors what exactly they can do to preserve the nature of our beautiful planet.

Now, unfortunately, wars on the planet, including in Ukraine, have an extremely negative effect on the state of nature. Animals are dying, vegetation is being destroyed, and unique protected areas are disappearing. Today, we are all united by one main common desire – peace on our Earth!