Happy bears day

Today, May 10, Happy Bears Day is celebrated.

The purpose of this thematic day is to acquaint children and adults with the diversity of bears in the world and with the problem of preserving these wild animals.

Due to poaching, deforestation and environmental pollution, the range of most bear species is rapidly shrinking. Climate change also does not affect the number of these animals in the best way.

The Ursidae family includes eight modern species, distributed throughout the northern and partly southern hemisphere of the Earth. This family includes the largest modern representatives of the Carnivore family, and at the same time the largest terrestrial carnivores: the polar bear weighs more than a ton and is about three meters long; the smallest species of the family, the sun bear, with a body length of 1-1.5 meters weighs up to 70 kilograms.

All bears, given the peculiarities of their diet and their large size, have a noticeable impact on the flora and fauna of the areas where they live. Brown and polar bears regulate the number of pinnipeds and ungulates. Herbivorous species contribute to the spread of plant seeds. Polar bears are often accompanied by foxes, which eat the remains of their prey.

The number and habitats of all species of bears during the 20th century significantly decreased, which required the introduction of hunting restrictions and special protection measures. The Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature includes: giant panda, Asian black bear, spectacled bear, polar bear and sloth bear as vulnerable species.

Today is a good opportunity to talk about the bears that currently live in Mykolaiv Zoo.

4 bears are kept in our zoo: 2 polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are female Zefirka and her daughter Smetanka and 2 Kamchatka brown bears (Ursus arctos beringianus), brothers – Myron and Vakula. Our animals have spacious enclosures with swimming pools, cozy dens and a full nutritious diet that includes fish, meat, vegetables, and fruits. Natural filling of enclosures – logs, stumps, driftwood – are excellent elements of enriching the environment of our bears. And there are viewing platforms for visitors, from where they can safely observe the giants at any time of the year.

We invite everyone to meet our bears, because they love to be the center of attention.