Knowledge day at the zoo

Holding a fun holiday dedicated to September 1 at Mykolaiv Zoo is becoming a good tradition. Now, not all children have the opportunity to study normally, some have never heard the first bell ring live. That is why we conduct our already traditional "Fun Lessons".

Today, everyone was able to join the lessons, which helped to prepare and conduct the zoo's young biologists.

After the real first bell, which our youngest young naturalist rang, we held a biology lesson, during which the children looked at different plants and animals under a microscope. At the drawing lesson, we saw and drew wonderful turtles, then at the lesson on the basics of life safety, we considered what healthy products our monkeys eat. During the history lesson, the visitors learned about many legends related to wolves, and during the geography lesson, they determined on which continents different types of felines live. During the literature lesson, the children listened to an ancient Japanese fairy tale about koi carp and were able to feed these fish. And during the educational hour, which was called "Kindness Lesson", we learned the correct, sensitive attitude towards animals.

We hope that the visitors liked "Fun Lessons"! And don't forget to follow our announcements! We are preparing many more interesting things for you!