
Snow Leopard Male
— Snow Leopard Male On October 22, a male snow leopard named Tiksi was delivered from the French zoological and botanical park Mulhouse by special transport. He was born in this zoo on May 28, 2017. The animal was transferred by decision of the coordinator Emma Nygren (EEP Coordinator for Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia)… 22/10/2019
 Sending Siberian tiger
— Sending Siberian tiger On October 17, the Siberian tiger Avgur, who was born in Nikolaev zoo on December 25, 2017, breeding number of Nikolaev is 65, was safely sent to Odessa zoo, where a new enclosure awaits him. We hope our tiger cub will be comfortable in Odessa. 17/10/2019
 World Animal Protection Day
— World Animal Protection Day World Animal Protection Day is an international day to raise awareness of the rights of animals and their welfare, celebrated every year on 4 October. Back in 1931, supporters of the Nature Protection Movement, at the International Congress held in Italian Florence, given the sad dynamics of human and nature… 04/10/2019
Ukrainian-Japanese holiday
— Ukrainian-Japanese holiday For the first time in Mykolaiv! International Ukrainian-Japanese ecological holiday "Save the polar bear"! September 28, 2019 at 12.00 in the central square of Mykolaiv zoo there was an unusual bright educational action which passed under slogans: "Let's stop global warming!", "Let's protect polar bears!" The international educational action was… 28/09/2019
Solemn event
— Solemn event Finally! Waited till this day comes! Opening of the complex of enclosures for large land animals - "Ukrainian Safari". On September 15, 2019, a solemn event dedicated to the opening of the enclosures of the "Ukrainian Safari" complex took place in the territory of Mykolaiv zoo. Also on this day,… 16/09/2019
Solemn award
— Solemn award Today on the central square of the zoo the solemn rewarding of employees of MI Mykolaiv zoo for conscientious, fruitful work and on the occasion of the 230th anniversary of foundation of Nikolaev city took place. Gratitude of the mayor of Mykolaiv 1. Piskun Svitlana Ivanivna - animal care worker… 13/09/2019
 European bison transmission
— European bison transmission On September 12, 2019, Mykolaiv zoo handed over to the SE "Storozhynets Forestry" a female European bison (Bison bonasus) under the nickname Muza. This animal was born in Mykolaiv zoo in 2016. Thus, representatives of the SE "Storozhynets Forestry" applied to the zoo administration to hand over one bison individual… 13/09/2019
Welcome to the opening
— Welcome to the opening Finally waited till the giraffes appear! September 11, there became two giraffes in the zoo. Meet: Nuru and Logan. We invite you to a housewarming on September 15! 12/09/2019
Opening Plan for a New Exposition
— Opening Plan for a New Exposition We want to answer to many who are interested in how the presentation of the new exhibit "Ukrainian Safari" will be held, in particular, the exposition of new enclosures for giraffes. Since the second giraffe Logan was brought not on September 4, but only on September 11, this made some… 12/09/2019