Amphibians Awareness Week

May 5-11, 2024 is marked "Amphibians Awareness Week". Mykolaiv Zoo joins this important ecological and educational campaign and offers you important information about the protection of amphibians and what each of you can do to preserve these wonderful animals.

Amphibians are very vulnerable animals! A large number of amphibian eggs die from adverse weather conditions and are eaten by various animals. It is not easier for tadpoles. It is estimated that only one frog in fifty survives to adulthood. And here is also a person for whom frogs do not pose any danger, but on the contrary are useful, destroys them in large numbers and it is not clear why. The appearance of amphibians for some reason makes many people dislike them, their dissimilarity to us is not a reason to destroy them (because we are also not similar to amphibians).

Human economic activity is also detrimental to amphibians. Pollution of water bodies by emissions from industrial enterprises that do not have treatment facilities, as well as by wastewater from fields containing fertilizers and toxic chemicals, is especially dangerous. The absence of frogs in reservoirs should be taken as a warning: "Be careful! The water in the reservoir is polluted!"

We can do a lot to protect amphibians. First of all, it is necessary to stop their senseless destruction! It is not necessary to catch representatives of rare species. It is worth taking care of the cleanliness of small reservoirs, preventing garbage, oil products and toxic chemicals from getting into them. In case of pollution of water bodies by enterprises, it is necessary to contact the state nature protection authorities. By spreading among your friends, acquaintances, children or, conversely, parents, information about the importance of various amphibians for life on the planet, about their harmlessness to humans, you also contribute to the protection of these animals!