On the last Friday of October, Madagascar and other regions of the world celebrate World Lemur Day, a unique and mysterious creature that lives only on the island of Madagascar. Lemurs are real living relics and symbols of the natural wealth of this island. Lemur Day is held in order to draw attention to the unique species of animals and strengthen measures for their conservation. This initiative was introduced in 2014 in Madagascar. The initiators were biologists and conservationists who studied and protected lemurs.
There are more than 100 species of lemurs, almost 95% of which are on the verge of extinction. The sizes and weights of these animals vary. The smallest are tiny mouse lemurs, the weight of which is only a few dozen grams, and the size is no more than 27 centimeters. Large indris reach sizes from 64 to 90 centimeters, the mass of which is from 6.5 to 9.5 kilograms. Several years ago, a study was conducted that found that lemurs are less protected than other primates. The reason for this is the destruction of habitats, hunting by poachers. According to research, lemurs are hunted more and more aggressively every year – these primates are resold as pets, and in some countries they are eaten.
Lemurs are considered the creators of the forest, because in Madagascar they play an important role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem, promote the growth and spread of plants. Lemurs are very fond of fruits, but their stomachs are not able to digest seeds. Therefore, when animals travel through forests, they spread seeds with their droppings, which act as natural fertilizer. Many new plants grow from this seed, which become homes and a source of food for many other animals.
There are 2 species of lemurs in Mykolaiv Zoo: the black-and-white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata) and the ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta). Black-and-white ruffed lemurs have been successfully breeding for many years in a row, their cubs have been scattered around the zoos of Ukraine and Europe. By obtaining offspring from lemurs, Mykolaiv Zoo contributes to the preservation of these rare animals.