All-Ukrainian Environment Day

On April 17, All-Ukrainian Environment Day is celebrated. Mykolaiv Zoo carries out a marathon of the ecological and educational actions devoted to this date.

For All-Ukrainian Environment Day we offer you a series of articles-tips on the topic: "What exactly can I do to save the environment".

The "habit" of burning the snag is the hell for nature!

Every year it seems that some of our "thrifty and masterful" peasants live the last day, and what will happen the next day, the next year, they are not worried at all. How else can traditional burns of the snag be explained? It is a deadly threat to all living things.

The fire kills animals that live in the grass and do not have time to escape, in particular: larks, seagulls, buntings, marsh warblers, pheasants, hares, hedgehogs, reptiles, amphibians, many insects. It destroys nests with eggs and newborn animals. If the fire spreads to forests, it kills large animals.

Fires destroy biodiversity, damage the root parts of trees, destroy young shoots and seeds. Despite the argument of proponents of burning, that it is useful for young plants, such areas are "captured" by weeds, and forbs will not appear there for a long time.

High temperature destroys the soil microflora, as a result of burning the water and wind erosion increases, which causes soil degradation.

During the combustion of plant residues, the air is poisoned by toxic nitrogen oxides, it gets heavy metals, which then breathe people.

Burning the snag, stover, common reed is a crime.

Most people who commit it do not read posts on social networks, but do not stand aside. If you notice a person setting fire to dry grass, react - call not only the fire department, but also the police. If you have relatives and acquaintances in the villages, share this information with them.
