All-Ukrainian Environment Day

On April 17, All-Ukrainian Environment Day is celebrated. Mykolaiv Zoo carries out a marathon of the ecological and educational actions devoted to this date.

For All-Ukrainian Environment Day we offer you a series of articles-tips on the topic: "What exactly can I do to save the environment".

Give nature a break from your "outdoor vacation"!

The period of traditional Easter and May picnics and other "outdoor recreation" is approaching. Nature has fearfully prepared for wild violence and screaming, for loud music, for drifting through the woods and thickets on SUVs, for quintals of garbage in every more or less beautiful landscape corner (and how else, because "Do I have to carry this garbage somewhere else, the trash bins should be put!"). Of course, most of these "vacationers" will not read this post, but perhaps you can find a way to convey to people in your circle the simple rules of ecological recreation in nature:

• Do not leave anything, take all garbage with you, organic residues can be buried. Do not use disposable utensils, because it is quite easy for everyone to bring their own reusable bowl, mug and spoon.

• It is better to light a bonfire in the grill - so the soil is less damaged and less likely will happen a fire.

• Listen to the voices of nature - that's why you came here. It is better to leave loud music for concert halls and dance floors.

• Do not touch animals, do not pick flowers - you are a guest, behave politely!
