Environment Day

Environment Day is an ecological holiday, which is celebrated in Ukraine annually on the third Saturday of April. This year this holiday falls on April 17.

The beginning of this holiday was marked by the All-Ukrainian action "Tree - Life", which was held in 1997-1998 and consisted in involving the population of the state in greenspace expansion and landscaping. The holiday was officially established in Ukraine in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine "On Environment Day" of August 6, 1998.

The purpose of the holiday is to raise the level of consciousness of Ukrainians, public organizations, the authorities and all those who care about nature and the state of the environment.

It is possible for all of us to join this day. It is quite simple, sometimes even a small step that will have a great positive impact on the environment is enough. Let's watch the consumption of water, the electric power; let's sort garbage, we can refuse plastic bags - environmentally friendly and quite economical; let us take care of every plant in order to make our home, the planet Earth, better and cleaner by our actions. It is a contribution to the future of our lives and the lives of our children!

Happy Environment Day and we urge all friends of nature to dedicate it to the conscious care for the green environment, because every caring action is a guarantee of the future.
