
 World Chimpanzee Day
— World Chimpanzee Day July 14 is World Chimpanzee Day. Although chimpanzees are close relatives of humans, they were unknown in most countries until Charles Darwin wrote about them in 1856. And only a century later, people began to recognize interesting facts from the life of these primates. The "discoverer" of chimpanzee mysteries was… 14/07/2020
 Palette of paints
— Palette of paints From birth, a person is given a whole palette of paints for life, and what to mix, everyone decides for himself. Mykolaiv Zoo tries to make your life even brighter! Our square has turned into such an amazing art object. From now on, relaxing with the family at the zoo… 10/07/2020
Iron tree
— Iron tree Finding yourself in the museum of wildlife called Mykolaiv Zoo, you will immediately see: everything here is like a fairy tale. And this is true, because summer gives a chance to enjoy the beauty of nature of flora and fauna. Walking around the zoo in the summer is a great… 08/07/2020
Day of employees of the nature reserve fund
— Day of employees of the nature reserve fund July 7 - Day of employees of the nature reserve fund. Man in the modern world has such a global impact on the environment that there are almost no places left on the planet where human activity would not cause irreparable damage to nature. Exceptions are nature reserves, where representatives… 07/07/2020
Reproduction of cotton-top tamarin
— Reproduction of cotton-top tamarin The first in the history of Mykolaiv Zoo case of successful reproduction and preservation of offspring of cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus). We advise all our visitors to pay attention to this miracle - the baby cotton-top tamarin and his parents Zefir and Joanna. This is the first case of successful… 07/07/2020
International Day for the Elimination of Plastic Bags
— International Day for the Elimination of Plastic Bags July 3 - International Day for the Elimination of Plastic Bags. Today, July 3 - International Day for the Elimination of Plastic Bags, which is celebrated annually by the world community. Plastic bags were created in 1959 by Swedish engineer Stan Gustav Tulin to save forests from deforestation and the… 03/07/2020
Rules of conduct in nature
— Rules of conduct in nature Summer is the favorite time of the year for many people who go to the park area, to the forest to pick berries or just to the country for rest, new experiences and recovery. When relaxing and in contact with wildlife, you need to know and understand how to behave… 02/07/2020
Classes of our group members
— Classes of our group members Probably each of the parents thought: "What to choose for my child that will be useful in the future? Exact sciences or something creative?" In a circle of young naturalists of Mykolaiv Zoo now it is possible to combine everything! We understand that a simple study of biology for a… 26/06/2020
— Attention Nikolaev Zoo is in dire need of sawdust. Sawdust of trees of any species is not only a litter in animal enclosures, but also a substrate for enriching the behaviour of zoo animals. If you can help to resolve this issue, the zoo will gratefully accept from you sawdust in… 25/06/2020