Every year on August 14 wildlife lovers celebrate World Lizard Day. The exact origin of this date is unknown. It is known only that this holiday was founded by a group of enthusiastic scientists and fans of herpetology.
The purpose of the holiday is to change the negative public opinion…
For the ninth year in a row the world celebrates World Elephant Day on August 12. The idea for World Elephant Day came from Canadian directors Patricia Sims and Michael Clark of Canazwest Pictures and Sivaporn Dardarananda, secretary general of the Thai Elephant Reintroduction Foundation. The first official celebration took…
Every year on August 10 World Lion Day is celebrated.
Why we celebrate Lion Day on this day, and who started this holiday, unfortunately, is unknown. However, it should be noted that the first lions were kept in captivity in 850 BC in ancient Assyria (Assyria – an ancient state…
According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine No 1035/2001 of November 1, 2001, Day of Veterinary Medicine Workers is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of August. The main purpose of this day is to "note the significant contribution of veterinary medicine workers in ensuring veterinary and epizootic…
Buddleja davidii blossoms in Mykolaiv Zoo.
This beautiful plant is named after famous French missionary and explorer in China, Armand David, who was the first European to report the shrub. The homeland of Buddleja davidii is China.
Popular name of this shrub is "summer lilac". It is called so for…
July 29 – International Tiger Day.
Every year on July 29, the world celebrates International Tiger Day. This holiday was founded in 2010 at the International Forum "Tiger Summit", which was held in St. Petersburg. There were considered the measures on how to preserve this beautiful animal. The initiators of…
During the game program dedicated to International Tiger Day young biologists of the zoo and all interested visitors took part in entertaining educational games and quizzes.
And how many interesting facts about tigers and other rare species of animals do you know? Visit Mykolaiv Zoo! After all, each visit to…
Did you pay attention to the little deer – Reeves’ muntjacs (Lat. Muntiacus reevesi), enclosure of which is located near the husbandry gates of the zoo? This animal is extremely interesting!
Reeves' muntjac or barking deer – one of the most ancient genera of deer. Paleontologists believe that the muntjacs…
Hibiscus bushes of different species bloomed in the zoo.
The genus Hibiscus has up to 300 species of deciduous and evergreen shrubs, trees, as well as yearling and perennial herbaceous plants. Almost all of them come from tropical and subtropical regions of the globe. And only some of them feel…