
International Zebra Day
— International Zebra Day January 31 is International Zebra Day. The holiday was initiated by environmental organizations, including the Smithsonian's National Institute of Zoology and Conservation Biology Institute. The purpose of International Zebra Day is to help preserve these unique animals. There are few striped animals on earth, and among the mammals of the… 31/01/2021
Days of great winter bird counting
— Days of great winter bird counting The last weekend of January is the Days of Great Winter Bird Counting. The purpose of these days is not only to draw public attention to the wonderful interesting world of birds. Conducting days of great bird counting helps to determine the species composition of the avifauna of a region… 30/01/2021
What does a zoo do for animals during severe frosts in winter?
— What does a zoo do for animals during severe frosts in winter? What does a zoo do for animals during severe frosts in winter? Every year, as the cold weather approaches, the residents of our zoo prepare for winter. Heat-loving animals were transferred from summer enclosures to winter premises. For example, hippos (Lat. Hippopotamus amphíbius) and Asian elephants (Lat. Elephas maximus) are… 21/01/2021
The story of
— The story of "Grandfather's hut" … Under the roof - a clean mud-walled hut, with a spacious yard, a haystack, a cart. Goats run out of the corner of the hut, curly lambs bleat from the miniature barn, geese chirp near the fence, a rooster walks masterfully at the head of a flock of chickens…… 18/01/2021
Day of reserves and national parks
— Day of reserves and national parks Every year on January 11 Ukraine celebrates the Day of Reserves and National Parks. Reserves and national parks - specially protected natural areas - today are probably the only way to protect at least a small part of wildlife from extinction. Reserves and National Parks Day was first celebrated in… 16/01/2021
— Attention From 13.01.2021 Mykolaiv Zoo works in the park regime. The inner pavilions are closed to visitors. All animals that are not afraid of the cold are in the outdoor enclosures. 13/01/2021
Birthday of brothers bears
— Birthday of brothers bears In early January, two brothers celebrate their birthday – Kamchatka brown bears (Latin Ursus arctos beringianus) Myron and Vakula. They were born in Mykolaiv Zoo on January 9, 2000. Today they are 21 years old. Their parents Shaitan and Shata were born in nature on Kamchatka in 1979, and came… 09/01/2021
 Urgent announcement
— Urgent announcement Warning! Urgent announcement!According to the Order of the Authority on questions of culture and protection of cultural heritage of the Mykolaiv city council № 119 from 21.12.2020 "About measures for prevention of distribution of an acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by a coronavirus of SARS-CoV-2" from 8 till 25 January… 29/12/2020
Birthday animals
— Birthday animals During the Pre-New Year's holidays, Santa Claus and his assistants brought sweet presents to the birthday animals living in Mykolaiv Zoo. The great apes Ramina and Aliti, chimpanzee (Lat. Pan troglodytes), living at Mykolaiv Zoo celebrate their birthday. December 24, 2020 is Ramina's birthday, she is 8 years old. And… 27/12/2020