
Another excursion
— Another excursion Today, Mykolaiv Zoo hosted another excursion on the topic "Giants of land". All visitors who came on the excursion learned many interesting facts about animals and were able to get to know our giants as individuals - learned many facts about their life in the zoo, food preferences and character… 09/09/2023
September second
— September second Good afternoon, we are from Ukraine and neither the enemy nor the ruins frighten us. Ring, our first bell, and remember! Give us only peaceful education! The second lesson at Mykolaiv Zoo mini-school began with such patriotic words. At today's "Turtleology" lesson, employees of the department of ecological and educational… 02/09/2023
First of September
— First of September Every year, on the first day of autumn, the Day of Knowledge is celebrated. It is on this day that the "first bells" are rung on ceremonial lines in all schools, which announce the beginning of the new school year. Unfortunately, today not all schoolchildren will hear their first bell… 01/09/2023
— Column "Cozy corners of the zoo" We already see the first signs of autumn in withered leaves, almost ripe chestnuts and in some special light of the sun's rays. But the hot summer is not in a hurry to give up its position, and reminds of itself not only by the air temperature, but also by… 29/08/2023
Interactive tour
— Interactive tour Today, during the next interactive tour, everyone was able to familiarize themselves with the interesting exhibits of our small museum – the ethnographic yard "Grandfather's Hut". Children and adults were able to find out what a ruble, millstone, threshing roller is used for, what a collar, a dovetail, a kotsyuba… 27/08/2023
— Column "Fluffy rehabilitators" The most pleasant and most anticipated moments for children are direct contact with animals. So many emotions and excitement! If every person had a pet, society would be more responsible and kind. This is what the guests of our regular column "Fluffy rehabilitators" could see for themselves, who came to… 26/08/2023
Opening ceremony
— Opening ceremony Today, August 18, at 11:00 a.m. in the central square of Mykolaiv Zoo, a memorial plaque was unveiled in honor of zoo employees who died defending Ukraine and our freedom: Dmytro Rieznik and Pavlo Shevchenko. The event was attended by many zoo employees, regular visitors, relatives of the victims and… 18/08/2023
Day of Veterinary Medicine Workers
— Day of Veterinary Medicine Workers Day of Veterinary Medicine Workers According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 1035/2001 dated November 1, 2001, Day of Veterinary Medicine Workers is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of August. The main goal of this day is to "celebrate the significant contribution of veterinary medicine workers… 13/08/2023
World Elephant Day
— World Elephant Day August 12 – World Elephant Day World Elephant Day is celebrated on August 12. The idea of celebrating World Elephant Day belongs to Canadian filmmakers Patricia Sims and Michael Clarke of Canazwest Pictures and Sivaporn Dardarananda, Secretary General of the Thai Elephant Reintroduction Foundation. The first official celebration took place… 12/08/2023